As a recipient of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFR) the State of Vermont is required to submit quarterly Project and Expenditure Reports to the United States Treasury. Quarterly reports cover three calendar months and include various data elements including project, subaward and expenditure information. Treasury’s Portal for compliance reporting is organized by modules, each of which is a project component: project entry, subrecipient entry, subaward entry, and expenditure entry.
The ARPA - State Fiscal Recovery Quarterly Project Overview dataset provides a high level overview of each project being funded and matches what was submitted to the U.S. Treasury using the Project module. Data is collected quarterly from at least 26 different entities.
According to the U. S. Treasury, a project is defined as "a grouping of closely related activities that together are intended to achieve a specific goal or are directed toward a common purpose." Within this broad definition, recipients have flexibility to define their projects in a way that provides the greatest clarity on the work which will be performed. In Vermont's case, many of the projects listed can be considered true projects that take place in a particular location but there are also a few that may be considered more programmatic in nature.
For each project, recipients are asked to select an appropriate Expenditure Category
based on the scope of the project (as described in Appendix 1 of the Reporting Guidance). The 83 Expenditure Categories provide a flexible method to categorize projects. Each Expenditure Category could include many different programs and activities.
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