The Department of Finance and Management is required by 32 VSA §313 and §314 to publish an annual report of federal grants issued by all State of Vermont agencies and departments. 32 VSA §314 expands the requirement to include all grants issued beginning with the SFY 2014 report due in January, 2015. In state fiscal year 2012, the Department of Finance and Management began a pilot program to include non-federal grants in its grants database. The department expects that by SFY 2014 the database will be complete, but until then, the data may not include all non-federal grants issued during the report year. Types of grant awards included in the Pilot Program: * Grant was issued/executed during the state fiscal year (may not include 100% of grants issued) * Federally funded grants * Non-federal portion of federally funded grants, where applicable * Non-federally funded grants (those funded with General, Special, Global Commitment or Other funds) * Grants between State of Vermont agencies Award Amounts: These funds have been awarded (authorized) by a State of Vermont department to the grantee during the report year. This funding may or may not have been expended or received by the grantee during that year. In the case of multi-year grants, the grant award is included during the year in which the grant was originally issued, and will not be included each year for the duration of the award. If a grant is subsequently amended, it will not be updated in this report.
2012 Report includes grants issued, executed and/or entered by departments, as part of a pilot program, into the State's VISION grants module during SFY 2012
Note: Awards with an amount of $99,999 have not been finalized. These awards have been issued but their final amounts are pending FEMA review.
Revised report reflects grants awarded in 2012 but that were subsequently revised. These are primarily FEMA grants previously reported with award amounts of $99,999.