State employee salary, benefits and expense reimbursement information starting with fiscal year 2020. For the purpose of this report, all employees of the Department of States Attorneys and Sheriffs are included. Employees in the respective county offices , such as States Attorneys, Sheriffs and Deputy States Attorneys are County employees not State employees.
To access the pay and expense data for Fiscal years 2009-2014, please see data set: Total Pay and Expenses FY2009-2014. To access the previous 5 years of this data set, please see: Total Compensation and Expenses FY2015-2019.
NOTE: Individuals covered by the Safe At Home Act (Title 15 Sections 1150-1160) have been excluded from this list.
2017 Change - Temporary employees now earn sick leave per 21 V.S.A. § 487.
NOTE: Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FMLI) in Fiscal Year 2024 was not paid for by departments. In Fiscal Year 2025 it will be paid for by departments and included in the Total Compensation and Expenses report.
This data set will be capped when it reaches five fiscal years of data.